and she got on a horse, headed out to see her friend, the prophet elisha. and when he saw her coming in a hurry from a distanc h sent one of his men to go see if something was wrong. and they stopped her and said, "ma'am, elisha is concerned. is everything okay?" she said, "yes, all is well." kept on riding. he caught back up and asked her the same thing, "are you sure everything's okay?" she said it again, "all is well." how could she make that statement when she was in the middle of a crisis? she wasn't living on the she felt. she went by what she knew, and she knew god was still on the throne. she knew he could make a way even though she didn't see a way. elisha ended up coming to her house and prayin' for the little boy, and he was healed. he came back to life, a great miracle. but like this lady, sometimes it's not a pebble thrown into your water, so to speak, it's a boulder. we all face unexpected challenges, things we didn't see comin': a loss, a layoff, a divorce, a sickness. and it's easy to get overwhelmed, go around in self-pity, wonderin' why it