elisha lavryshevsky, lived in the 13th century, came from his richest family... they say , the monk elishaon of the grand duke troyden, and the prospects, as they now say, for career growth, he had the most exciting, but instead of a sword, he chose a monastic robe, that is, this is essentially an ancient version of modern downshifting, quit your career, leave everything, take your family and move to where it is quiet, calm and good. the ranks of the monastic brethren quickly replenished and quite soon the monastery received the status of a monastery. but tell me. evgeniy, why are monasteries popularly called white lava? white, because we are in belarus. why laurel? the fact is that lava in general in church circles is the name given to a monastery that contains only think about it, from 100 or more inhabitants, monks. yes, but i saw probably five or six people here, no more. yes, yes, that’s why we are still just being reborn. in order for the word of god to better reach the laity, you need to speak the same language with them. for this, in the monastery. he was asked to sculpt a monument