elissa ashwood starred a company called truly accomplished.s a web-based operation helping people to organise their lives and businesses. if you have a good idea that can be proven in the midwest, and in pittsburg, you can be successful in the other mark. >> 30 years ago pittsburg was at its worst. it lost much of its steel and industrial base in the '80s the economy collapsed. over 100,000 jobs were lost, and a carter million people moved out. >> so it was really a steel depression in the early 1980s, and pittsburg had a long road to come back. >> bill flannagan has the leading community development organization. and he says after the economic bust reinvention was key in moving pittsburg floored. health care, education and financial services fuel the economy. >> we have hundreds of companies employing tens of thousands of people that didn't exist 30 years ago. >> with unemployment hovering above 6%, chris briem, a regional economist at the university of pittsburg says there's a lot of work to do. >> the challenges remain in the core towns in