ankruptcy proteetion january 19th, saas its onsumee business will focus exclusively on photo i'm elizabeeh corridannn.scrip coming up... accused of having a sexual is relationship wwth a stuuent. pind oot what tiiped police off bout the illicit affair. affair. details beeore her death.we'll tell you what a romantic rival says, he saw accused murdeeer george hughley do to yeardley love.... 2 months before she died. 3 33 days ago, the added 243,000 nee jobs. and s unemploymeet fell for a fffth straight month. so why does all how the numbers are presented. there are juut over 154 million people in the us &pinto two categories: employed ann those 'officially' classified s unempllyed. the official ddsignation is very important. anyone who is unemployed and hassnot lloked for a job in the previous four government's officialll e - unemployed numbers and is moved intooa third category -- pnot in the labbr force." millions of discouraged workers unable to fiid a job are no longeercounned as people - a record igh -- are designated as "not in the labor force." when the goveenment elimiiates workers it can mat