we are recognizing elizabeth avar tarchi an amazing city attorney. and for her work. and we are recognizing dr. nancy mulcan who is the director of the ucsf national center on excellence on woman's health. and we are recognizing regina scully, and among other things has produced the invisible war and she is a incredible supporter of women and we are recognizing rita simel who i am sure that many of you know for her extraordinary interfaith work in this community in bringing many people together. and we are recognizing dr. sue, yun who you may know not is the union representative for the international alliance and the chair of the ngo and the committee on the status of women and for the united nations and a partner to us and our work on cedaw and other things and we are recognizing the great chief justice of the state of california tony cadel. and i am going to mess up her name. and who we are is the second woman in the first philippine woman and an incredible leader in domestic violence and so i would ask for a motion to approve all of our resolutions from one of the