>> science has published elizabeth blackburn, nobel laureate, and just last three years published levels of enzyme going up with meditation an and with diet as well and proper sleep. >> how long does one have to meditate every day? >> instantaneous. >> with all the stresses of modern life? >> yes, what's the stress? stress is the perception of threat either psychological threat or emotional threat or physical threat. i like to think of stress like waves on the ocean, so if you're a skillful surfer, then every wave is joy and exhilaration. if you're not prepared then every wave is a disaster. >> what is your prescription. if meditation is a sort of medicine, what is the dosage? >> the research studies have suggested that about 20 minutes once or twice a day preferable twice a day is more than adequate. >> dapak chopra's answer to ending every world conflict coming up. >> i'm stephanie sy. we're talking with deepak chop chopra. one of your books you spoke with a harvard neuro scientist. what is a super brain. >> we have three parts to our brain. we have reptilian brain which goes back 300