is pay to play by elizabeth bracken. urge you that are here to come out and meet elizabeth and have her sign a copy of the book for you. does of you who are watching order it or buy it from your bookstore. thanks for coming out, elizabeth. [applause] >> elizabeth bracken is a correspondent for pbs news hour with jim where. stack the solution is probably going to be choice. right now we have no choice. you drove presumably. if you want to go somewhere 95% of the time you are driving. 98% of the energy in that car is oil. we have no choice in vehicle but we have no choice in fuel. and that's the biggest problem so we have to start thinking about different types of cars that are more efficient using different types of fuels like electricity. and then so is not always a car that you have to pick. if you are old and/or you are young or you're disabled or you are injured or poor, you don't have a car. cars are not an object and that is a big part of this population here and everywhere in the world. so we need to have much more