. >> jerry gallagher and elizabeth braun, their work in organizing this event and moderating the panel discussion. you are gathered here today to hear the story of the closing days of the civil war. the university of virginia has a small chapter in its story. for three days in march, 1865, the city of charlottesville at the university were occupied by union forces. uva law professor john miner wrote in his diary that he feared general sheridan's men would destroy the university. his fears were not unfounded. only a month later, union troops did indeed burn the university of alabama whose campus was designed on the model of thomas jefferson's academic village. fortunately, this university had a measure of protection that alabama would not have. the uva administrators had long attempted to distance the university from the civil war conflict even seeking exemptions for military service for uva students. when the union troops arrived on march 3, local officials surrendered the town and university leaders including faculty chair socrates molfin request a protection for the university using