susan b and elizabeth cady, going into the constitution, we are going with them or fighting it. with the movement for 30 years and organizations and deeply damaging for the cause and i was sent out, my dissertation topic, going to prove elizabeth cady and susan b were horrible people and so forth. it was so depressing. [laughter] >> my faculty advisor -- you can remember i walked into his office, i want to start thinking what finally worked. i want to look forward to the positive moves, started researching the early 20th century to see what was going on. i started reading newspaper accounts and tripped over these women and nobody noticed them. they were there, too famous to know this. >> you didn't know about them when you started this thing. >> guest: no. i was reading newspapers from the 1900s, and there would be occasional references to events where fancy uber wealthy celebrity socialites were coming out for suffrage, what happens when they joined suffrage in 1908, sort of in the doldrums, languishing, considered the cause of the intellectual fringe. there are various codewor