susan b anthony, elizabeth cady stanton, frederick douglass who joined forces with women, who were claiming that they too should have a right to vote, the juries, torve on have both citizenship. that declaration of sentiments, you can google it later, as i'm sure you will, kick the suffrage movement. again, it's not come easily. ,here were protests demonstrations. , women chaining themselves to the fence around house, going to prison, going con hunger strikes to claim the right to vote. yes, eventually, that was granted. we will celebrate the 100 house, going to prison, going con hunger strikes in 2020.sary [applause] when i think about the sacrifices of the suffragettes, the sacrifices of the leaders of the civil rights movement, the sacrifices of those trying to form unions against extraordinary, violent protests, when i think about what policies americans did, starting in the 19th going into the 20th century to make a very simple claim on the 18th that we are all created equal, we all in 2020. have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, we all have a stake in america. th