>> elizabeth cady stanton great, great granddaughter -- do i have that right? colleen jenkins, yeah, she came and we just had a ball. the historian of the cemetery put us in a golf cart and drove us around to the key burial sites. >> this is at night. >> no, no. [laughing] >> and want to get halloween. -- it wasn't yet. the historian insisted we stop at mrs. mackay is great which had fallen into serious disrepair. you can hardly read the inscription on the tombstone, and she insisted that i stand behind the tombstone and have a picture taken. she said, you have rescued her, and i was just -- >> wow. yes. >> johanna, is there a high society origin story about who, when and why the suffrages decided to wear white at their parade? >> there may be but i don't know what it is. i do know that harriet stanton blatch was a very intimate object, and there has been criticism in 1911 of the dallying by the suffrages parade in getting organized. so in 1912 she is issued orders sort of like a general issuing orders to the troops, you march on time. you will all wear white.