well, elizabeth chamblee birch is professor of law at the university of georgia to join us live on zoom from the city of athens in georgia. thanks for your time. so this deal is $26000000000.00 deal. it's not done is that it's not a done deal. it's not even close to dine. in fact, really, this is just the beginning and the question remains guys. can these particular defendants get enough signed on from the states to make it worth their while? and i think we've already seen a couple of states who have announced that they are opting out, including the state of washington and the state of west virginia. the won't the incentive or the distance and to, for states to buy in or not. well, a lot of that remains to be seen. i think that they are going to announce the full settlement with all of its terms tonight. but i think that the basic ideas that you might get more money sooner if you have the greater buy in greater participation with all of the states particular localities. and that there might be certain penalties built. then if you continue to litigate johnson johnson stopped making opioi