elizabeth cox. lauren lampert. gloria solis. [speaker not understood]. daniel [speaker not understood] who may have already smoke en. may how. and holga [speaker not understood] who i think already spoke as well. >>> yes. >> next speaker, mr. wu. >>> [speaker not understood] i am a former student for sensible policy drug member. i am a san francisco resident residing in the sunset district. [speaker not understood]. i agree with regulating the sale of e-cigarettes for use by minorses, however, [speaker not understood]. the harm is not nearly as comparable to the harm of regular cigarettes. might recommend a discretionary ban for businesses and building owner, but not complete ban where cigarettes are banned. i also recommend drafting [speaker not understood] to test for harmful [speaker not understood] to mitigate the stated risk of unregulated e-liquids. i use e-cigarettes and have not smoked regular cigarettes in over two years. i do not use nicotine because it's ahab it. please reconsider revising this ordinance and not ban e-cigarettes where cigarett