elizabeth fusco. elizabeth, i have to say, i'm very happy to see you looking well.bout you testing positive, i was so worried for you. it's been a few days, how are you doing? >> i'm doing well. still not showing any symptoms, my daughter is not showing any symptoms, it's a miracle all in itself. >> all right. thank god for you. we do hear the numbers that a lot of people with asymptomatic but what's going on in your family, can't take anything for granted. you said had a particular worry about your daughter right? >> born with congenital hernia, has a very compromised lungs. one lung is half the size, other one is 3/4 by now. all of her organs were moved around inside. very rare thing that happens to children. but she only had 3% chance of life coming out of my womb, so it's surreal she tested positive and her body has fought it. >> thank god. thank god. sometimes god has to be good with everything he's put the fusco family through, everything you've endured, good that somebody's getting a break. how does it stand in the wider family? how many people are still figh