on the other hand, there's no record that shows elizabeth hitchens has ever been vaccinated, so if, inh, you would be... alarmed. you'd be screaming for medical help. you might still have enough time to put on a... a convincing performance. ( clearing throat ) this is proof of what? nothing. carver: not quite. it's probable cause for a blood test, which will reveal your recent exposure to the south african anthrax, and that, miss wallace, is proof of everything. well, of course i've been exposed to that. isn't that part of your little charade? this? oh, that's a different strain of anthrax-- a genetically impaired, harmless strain. you don't seriously think he'd toss about bags of lethal anthrax, do you? don't think for one second that this is the end of us, bobby. when the blood test came back positive, i thought she'd jump at a plea, but she's insisting on a trial. sure. with gavin haynes footing the bill. well, it's your turn in the barrel now. i'm done with her. here. have one. what's this? scones.