in 1973, elizabeth holtzman became the youngest woman ever elected to congress. one year later she was voting to impeach president. look for the complete weekend schedule and at /history. >> earlier this month, about 100 members of the british commonwealth youth parliament, ages 18 to 29, gathered in the house of lords for a debate on climate change. they are from the commonwealth nations, including australia, kenya, malaysia, and trinidad- tobago. the speaker of the house of lords presided over the two-hour debate. >> i am delighted to welcome you here to the chamber of the house of lords. e chamber of the house of lords. many of you i will have met before, yesterday and the day before. but not all of you. and so this is a good occasion for me to see you all together. and i do so warmly welcome you. now, i think you all know what it is we're here for. but you'll for give me if i perhaps go over it a little bit more. i am frances d' souza. i was recently elected speaker of the house of lords. my work today is to moderate the debate. but the work is goi