elizabeth mann mulberry found on the property of st. patrick's old cathedral.ew york and were sent to help. msgr. came up with the idea. low maintenance and have a crew trained to take care of them. the pressure also has looked after the sheep. >> one of the people that take care of them set i may be retiring. what should i do. maybe maybe we should get some sheep. >> been a huge it. people constantly people constantly walk up to check in. basically doing good. >> i was there. >> if you do not have time to see them they should be another opportuninity. >> right around. >> there is probably an agenda here. it's with the church does. it is symbolism. >> i was thinking rack of lamb clicks every time you see an animal you want to cook them. >> pablo the tilapia. >> they have a crane a crane lifting the cow. that was horrible. bill: i i cut the head off. bill: that is the best part. >> you can eat it all. look how cute. oh my gosh. teesix this is how they eat. this is how the. clicks monetary advantage. >> pages to the grass. the environmentalists months love them.