imagine you are elizabeth monroe. so imagine for a second. you are elizabeth monroe. and you are accompanying your husband over to france in the mid to be this mid-1790s. you know you your company over there on now you were born into you know modern wealth your father lawrence courtright who's a wealthy merchant. so it's not crazily opulence, you know, you're not you're not completely unused to you know, you know the opulence of paris and everything, but it would have been something to see it would have been overwhelming you go over there and the time the climate of the time. okay. imagine this okay the climate of the time you're getting you're right with the the waning part of the committee of public safety. okay, you're right at the waning part of that. so you're in the 1790s in france, and there was executions going on. there was craziness going on. okay, you are there's an aura of paranoia that was happening in paris and france at the time, you know, people were getting executed. all right left the people were getting killed, you know in person france and not just