thought every year, the state of black writing and our guest today are harlem book fair author is elizabeth nunez, myla tenia -- and she is a new york times best-selling author. her most cherished books are even in paradise, her memoir is not for everyday use, a memoir. she has seven books more, ten books. many of many of them new york times bestsellers rituals talk about literature by black writers. who are the readers, there's always a conversation about who is there to read our books. this is that conversation. i want to tell you little bit about elizabeth. she is currently is currently a distinguished professor at hunter college city university of new york. we met when she was teaching at a college. elizabeth is the founder of the national black writers conference that happens every year. elizabeth is the founder of that event. she asked me to come in to support her in her work and from that point on we have been kindred spirits. she is an amazing writer, an amazing voice, passionate about writing, passionate about work, passionate about our stories. lastly i want to acknowledge you, the audi