on the "barron's roundtable" my colleagues ben levisohn, elizabeth o'brien and andrew bary, the biggest postelection rally since 1896, the mckinley valley, do you remember do they call it the mckinley valley. >> it was an amazing rally we saw the dow and the nasdaq were the dow and s&p having the best we can then ask under nasdaq sent september it was the response to the election in trump's when you saw financial sewer and industrial stored in small caps to great there was also a relief rally and people were worried about not be the result on wednesday morning and we got a result, you saw this with the vix had spiked heading into the election and something called of all crash which he got smashed down the market fear index and had the biggest drop of the year end that says a lot people got afraid of the results they went in about of the market. >> i think it was all about trump the republican sweep and what wall street things will be investor friendly policies over the next four years, bill ackman tweeted that america may be the best place to do business over the next four years with tr