elizabeth watty, planning department stuff. this is a mandatory discretionary review of a building permit application to allow a new medical campus dispensary. it will not allow on-site consumption of cannabis, nor will it permit any on-site cultivation. the mcd is not located within 1,000 feet of any school, or community center could supply service persons under 18. it is not on the same party as a -- property a substance abuse treatment center. the proposal has been significant of reach. the department has received two phone calls in opposition. we believe they have met planning code requirements. this is one of the few sites in the upper market castro neighborhood that permits mcds, is well served by transit, and is consistent with the general plan. we recommend the commission not take dr and approved. this concludes my presentation and i am available for questions. president olague: project sponsor. >> afternoon, commissioners. i am rhein hudson, along with my partner, michael thompson. we are the sponsors of this project.