this is a mama orangutan with her baby, elka.ed after betty white's character in "hot in cleveland." a little present to betty white. >> if this orangutan was a boy, but since it's a girl, elka, fine name. >> right. and elka is climbing for the very first time. >> on a chainlink fence. >> yes. look at the face on this little cutie cuterson. she is adorable and has bed hair. >> yeah, she's definitely been taking a few naps here. she's kind of figuring it out like do i use this? >> look. like doing a little split. >> she even went one-handed there for a second. >> this is my favorite part. she went from the one side of the chainlink fence, she's trying to go to the other. look at her little belly button. look at her little hair. look at her little body. look at her little yawn. >> she's got a lot of little things. pretty soon she'll be climbing that thing like her mom like she's been doing it all her life. >> that's going to do it for today's "right this minute." we'll see you next time. [ male announcer ] are you paying more and m