gerri: i want to bring back in our producer here, elka worner, following this. sitting in the courtroom this afternoon. how long the jury has to deliberate, more on this question of retaliation. it took only 2 1/2 days to get to the kinds of answers they already reached. how much longer might we be waiting? >> you know the court people told us they are prepared to deliberate as long as they need to. the jury is working until about 4:30, 5:00 p.m. california time, and they're very comfortable. they come on deliberating through lunch i think they may try to resolve this through the weekend. they don't have to come back monday on this one. >> and it's not likely they would go into saturday and sunday either, they don't do that in california, do they? >> they do not deliberate over the weekend. gerri: the likelihood is they're going to have an answer tonight, right? >> that's what the judge is hoping, and that's what the attorneys are hoping and just resolution to the entire lawsuit tonight, and then we can hear from the attorneys that help pao and the jurors and ge