from a historical standpoint, if you study the committee, they started the lunch counter movement, ella bakerem. that's how snik was created. they're going to ask for permission. dr. king wanted to control them. they said no, we're going to remain independent. and so naacp has a youth division. urban league has young professionals. but to jamal's point, stop waiting. and so -- also, mobile eyes and organize. let me also say this and i need you to major make this point asking. all these millennials need to cut out this bs of we don't have leaders. you cannot change a system by saying, no, it's going to be a collective thing. even sncc had a hierarchy. >> i'm nicole roe, president of the young professional chapter of portland, oregon. my question to you all, what strategies do you all recommend on how we can identify corporate structures who don't have our interests and support particular politicians? >> such as? >> such as politicians that may be here tomorrow. >> who wants it? michael? i can answer it, but michael, you go ahead. of. >> i think when you look at corporate structures, there's mu