he met my mother just after ella fitzgerald had "a tisket a tasket."her, he quit being a composer and a copy of four events -- a copyist for bands. he talked to my mother, and she said, what you want to do? he said, i want a big family. she said, i am a college girl. i want to go back to school and continue my education. he said, that is cool, but let me be able to keep up with the music, and we will be able to have zero albums and a way to play it. -- to have some albums and a way to play it. not hearing music from them, your music from their friends, they used to come over. by the time i was -- as a young person, they were in their 30's. they were still young. they were moving everything. having potlucks. everybody comes over with food, and they would party. they would come out dancing with all that action all the time, so hearing the music, and nat king , i was 7 years old. my favorite song, i would sing and body and soul by coleman hawkins, and everything would be better. i did not know how different it was from other kids. tavis: what is it that c