now, to some this plan may seem benign, but iowa republican steve king knows the the elle nazis are upo something sinister. >> they've called it "preventative medicine." well, if you apply that preventative medicine universally, what you end up with is you've prevented a generation. >> stephen: exactly. americans only have children by accident. it's clearly hard to imagine anyone having steve king on purpose. i mean, free birth control... [applause] free birth control will wipe out the american race. that's what wiped out the dinosaurs. a bowl of free condoms. so i don't know how the t-rex got them on. [applause] [laughter] folks, i'm angry. folks, this plan is not just the end of humanity. it is the end of decency. as explained by outraged blonde fox lady. >> why in the world would you encourage your daughters and your granddaughters and whoever else comes behind you to have unrestricted, unlimited sex any time, anywhere? >> stephen: yeah. why? because hickory smoked lady and i know that if we give your daughters and granddaughters access to birth control, they will instantly turn int