state lawmakers have been working hard for years to come up with a new approach and state senator ellen barkin off introduce a bill that would send certain nonviolent drug offenders to treatment facility that's run by the corrections system and that's once they finish serving half of their sentence so this bill got over whelming support in fact it passed one hundred twelve or in the house passed unanimously in the state senate for once again overwhelming support and then it reached governor rick scott's desk and that's where it was vetoed scott said his veto was all for public safety and a message he went on to say justice to victims of crime is not served when a criminal is permitted to be released early from a sentence imposed by the courts this bill would permit criminals to be released after serving fifty percent of their sentences thus creating an unwarranted exception to the eighty five percent rule interesting because what rick scott calls an unwarranted exception to a draconian law and it seems all the other lawmakers in florida called a smart humane policy change the last constitution