. -- as danish writer ellen goodwin had one radio during the taliban and two papers which were slowlyfor the propaganda purposes of the government. in terms of highlighting priorities for the central government, in terms of promoting human rights, promoting women's rights, in terms of holding politicians accountable, it's very strong. again, we have to look at the afghan media in the backdrop of what we had before that, 2001. its extremist important for afghanistan because afghanistan has recently started on the path of democracy. in the absence of a strong and vibrant media, we would not be able to have much success in the endeavor of building democracy in the country. but it's got its own weaknesses and it's imaginable. one of the important weaknesses of the afghan government is mainly on the part of immediate owners, lack of a strategic vision towards the media outle outlets. and it will lead to the bankruptcy of a lot of, or a significant number of media outlets after the drawdown of the forces in afghanistan. it's because proportionately there will be reduction in the amount of a