next up teen wonder ellen holland netting from a seemingly impossible position against cologne virtually parallel to the goal line shooting angle just 4 degrees is a 5 percent chance of this going in and he takes it. every day of his impressive was his last gasp headed winner at dusseldorf 10 metres out with 4 opponents around him again it's 0.05 probability and again no problem for. 13 goals of the finish of which only around $54.00 statistically expectable. and so to the player most likely to define the scoring on its jaden son show not least thanks to his propensity for taking on multiple opponents even facing 3 or 4 cologne defenders with his skill set and x. goals factor of 0.060 most doesn't look so bad. at pattern for an sanchez top drawer technique engineers' a finish a 5 percent probability despite all the defenders he needs just 1.2 seconds here from reception to dispatch to quit for his multiple markers. 17 goals in total only 8 of which could have been reasonably anticipated. with dortmund so diligent at the sharp end what they're missing to close the gap on biron is not qual