africa's first female president, ellen johnson-sirleaf, was elected in 2005. know, with the whole liberian rebuilding process, it's not about bringing in, you know, skyscrapers and superhighways. it's just very, very basic-- doctors in the hospitals, teachers in schools... oh, yeah, dude, happy birthday! thank you. my bad, man, i'm sorry. you guys came on the right day! happy birthday, man. we kind of forgot. [guy]: we've arrived on kimmie's birthday. he's only 25 today, but he's been a child rights activist since he was 10 years old. when liberia's war first broke out, kimmie was forced into a refugee camp, where he almost died of hunger and disease. [weeks]: there was a point where someone had declared that i had died. they had wrapped me up and threw me on a heap of bodies. it was from that point that i had said to myself, "there is no reason children should be living in these conditions." and i said i would dedicate my entire life to making sure that no child went without food or water or medicine. i didn't know how... i was 10 at this point. [guy]: his mo