my name is ellen lee zhou. right there. l l e n l e z h o u.i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands. one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. born, unborn and vaccinated. and unvaccinated. i am here today to remind you, for the commissioners you are willing to take oath to protect our city. for the staff you pay, to take the oath to protect our city. on election night, november fifth, 2024, i was at pier 31 as a poll watcher and see what's going on. and the situation is at the commission. you received many complaints about election interference, the media and the puppet master keep saying five people running for mayor. so today i am giving you public record. today is the report five in the ballot running for mayor. it's 13 people plus two write in candidates. so a total of 15 people. but on the ballot 13 people. i am one of them running for mayor. i have coming in here reporting to you. it is unethical. it's election interference for many of the democrat