joining us now is ellen nagashima. she's national security reporter for the post, one of them who wrote this blockbuster piece for the post. ellen, congratulations on this opus today. it's a real achievement. thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> one key piece of your reporting, and this is a complex piece, is that the obama administration was very worried as to what the russians might do in response if there was a strong american mupushback, a strong american response to the attack before the election. is it clear that the obama administration had a clear understanding of the russians' capabilities about what the russians could do if they really wanted to? >> so, in fact, the white house did undertake a pretty in-depth review of what the vulnerabilities of the electoral system were last summer. and they had the top voting system elections expert in the country heading up that team. and what they found was because there is something like 3,000 voting jurisdictions in the country, almost each one with its different