for the record i am ellen nevin and i'm here to read an email about this project into the record, as well as hand over a petition against the project. the email was written to a planner jessa luck from robert passmornoticed earlier. mr. passmoras i'm sure you know was the city's longest serving zone administrator and author of the original version of the interpretation at issue today. mr. passmorwas not hired by or paid by anyone. he noted the email to help correct the department's mistake. "my luck the pending case at 1110 ashbury has been brought to my attention as zoning administrator for your department during the 1980s and '90s i wrote the original interpretation have been do with providing minimum 25% yard on lots already developed with a rear cottage. i have reviewed the site plan and mary gallagher's letter to the planning commission concerns the proposed project at 1110 ashbury and please include for the record record the term was written for circumstances such as this case and i hope that you and the department will reconsider your current department and require appropriate