i think when you look back at what ellen powell went through with her, i think it was klein and perkens >> talking about, explaining-- >> so, ellen powell had, i guess, she was in a company, and had a sexual harassment issue and that kind much just got shoved under the rug, basically. but that, again, was, you know, probably two years ago at this point. she now has a book out that's all about her, you know, follow through on what to do about this kind of systemic sexism and not having an ability to have support and have people take her seriously, take her claims seriously. so-- >> and i wonder, i can't remember the guy's name, google engineer. and a lot of people look at me, google, they fired this guy. >> james demoore. >> yes, james demore and you're saying they're libertarians and they fired this libertarian guy for really, for his like insidious ideas and what he put there. i wonder, how do you see that? 'cause some ways it was like a pr. >> james demoore for those who don't know is the author of the infamous 10-page google memo, it included a pretty large critique of google's inter