. >> hi, i'm ellen shaffer, i'm with the equal health network, i'm speaking in advocacy for a better health care system, one of the questions i get is how can we live in this great rich country and have such a screwed up health care system and sometimes i try to explain it to people and sometimes i reach back to a couple of lines from my favorite musicals, he's trying to organize some garment workers as their first time out on strike and he says, you have to speak up, you have to fiekt, and he says, things that a human heart would break at such a display at this, warmhearted men with money at stake can turn into heartless misbegun misers, i am so proud on days like this to live in a city where we know how to fiekt, we know what to fight for and i want to thank you supervisors which i know you will do which is to ko*n to fight for us and keep these programs. thanks. >> thank you, ms. shaffer, next speaker. >> supervisors, my name is paul and i'm here representing only myself, i'm an independent health care analyst and someone who is involve ined the development of both healthy san fra