at ellenville, new york, the president concluded his first day on the road with a dedication of a newtal. with the hospital serving as a key note, he spoke of the war on disease, and modern medical care for everyone regardless of age and reviewed for a moment the success of medicare. the president emphasized that good medical care is the right of every american citizen. under the medicare program, there is no backdoor for second class patients. there is only one waiting room. to the daughters, to those who predicted chaos, the president extended an invitation to fill out their medicare cards and share in the success of the program. until now, the president spoke about what his administration was seeking to do and had done for people but the benefits for a great society are not one-way. personal responsibility is forever bound to personal rights. at the university of rhode island, the president accepted an honorary degree and with civil responsibility as a keynote, spoke frank words on the subject. president johnson: destroys far more than the police car or pawn shop. it destroys the b