there's tour laminates for ellie peppers one there, which is quite cool. mac miller, arctic monkeys, katy perry here. bring me the horizon shows, there's calvin at creamfields. i think that was actually the first time i photographed calvin, was that pass. there's a lot of memories on this wall. i've got pictures that i've printed off for you. you can have a look through and see which ones you want. wow, look at the elephant there! were you lying on the ground? no. no? laughs it looks like it, though. don't tell me, is that a... painted wolf. wow, i love the colours. that's fantastic. how far away were you from the lion? not. . . not that far away. that's amazing. gosh. big lens helps, though. that's actually in the arctic ocean, that one. how did you find that? because i was out of contact for, like, two months! just watching your little blogs that you posted every now and again, that helped, cos i was sort of, like, tracking the weather, checking everything was all right, saying lots of prayers, yeah! laughs this