ellie kinnaird is instead resigning to fight, to work full time outside the system with the people who have been turning out for all of these protests all over the state. dovetailing with this now very interesting, very energized fight in north carolina is new news today from national democrats. that they plan a 50-state strategy. they plan to wage a 50-state sort of counteroffensive to try to advance voting rights everywhere in the country. it's not just a defense to what the republicans have been doing, but as an alternative to what the republicans have been doing. as an alternative to how aggressively republicans have been trying and succeeding in many states to roll voting rights way, way, way back. joining us now, michael sergeant, president of the group called american values first. a 50-state initiative to encourage efforts to make voting easier in every state. mr. sergeant, thank you very much for being with us tonight. >> thank you so much for inviting me, rachel. >> so seeing the "washington post" reporting on this today was the first i learned about it, and i don't totally u