so here's a question that is being posed by ellie ramos. she says, what can you say about reusingmasks? i'not sure if she's ahey were to reuse it, how would you handle the sanitation aspect of it? >> i would say, if at all, with surgical masks, we don't like to reuse it too much. it's different than n95 masks. a little more sturdy and more structure around it. with surgical masks, like a piece of high quality paper that you put across your face. you can imagine that even with paper it can get crumpled or the structure can get undone a little bit. if you do have to reuse it, these are the tips that i have for people. you hold the ends of the mask with your hands and not touch the front of the mask. you try to keep the inside of the mask a little bit clean as possible because that's what -- in contact with your nose and your mouth. not the outside. the outside is the dirty area and the inside, you want to preserve that at all possible. even before that, holding it by the ends, by the strings as much as possible, when you're done it, putting i