. >> elliot johnson is savvy. >> our community is 25,000 people. i want to reach all 25,000 people before we're done here. >> he's social. >> welcome to our talk show. this is going to be a talk show today. >> he's a full-time college student. >> no, i didn't drop out. yes, i still take the classes. >> and this 22-year-old is the executive director of downtown brookings incorporated. in brookings, south dakota. >> it's just bizarre to me. i look back and am like, what were you doing? stick to the college classroom, elliot. you're too much. >> he applied for the job on a whim two years ago and got it, making him an accidental small business advocate. turns out his roots made him the perfect candidate. >> i was born and raised here. the idea of community service was really inspiring to me. >> then we'll have the brookings logo right here on the side to showcase. >> i knew i wanted to give back to the people who taught me what my values were in the community. i was like, little do you know, i have no idea this is what i signed up for. but at that poin