in the elliott eusebius keeley is feeling the survivor skills and crying over the death of his aid. several of the veterans today the idea is that this super warrior, this alternative veteran and when a lot of ways with someone like that could suffer enduring psychological distress after war could become burning because it's a very old thing. people have suffered for as long as human beings fought each other which is forever and so i think in the book i argue that literature is a very powerful medicine and something that the physicians and psychiatrists in particular don't think much about and certainly don't do well on the value of the work or you know literature has an extraordinarily powerful impact any measurable medical impact in terms of teaching you bringing you in closer touch with your own interstate and sense of emotions and naming them. a lot of veterans are unable to because the military sort of trains you to function and focus on the mission completion at the expense often times of the inner thoughts. the novels in particular and poetry offer people the experience numbe