welcome to the edge of ellis cose in 1000 special i'm stephen beardsley in berlin good to have you with us work housing preexisting health conditions all play a role in our exposure to the corona virus as well as our vulnerability to the illness that develops from it that's what experts say that's also the lived experience of many in the pandemics hardest hit neighborhoods take a look. at been watching his friend are looking for a grave the one that belongs to their friend danny he may have died of corona virus has gets doesn't know for certain but downey is one of 41 friends that he's lost in the past 6 months all except one are black. and this really makes for worried because you know i've got children i've got friends that got children and were close to me pesca is a popular figure in the north london borough of herring the 62 year old pensioner worked as a lecturer at the nearby university and does volunteer work where he can for example at a food charity for those in need he says he's seen how the black asian minority ethnic or being community has been especially affected by the pa