elmendorf testified before the budget committee just a few weeks ago, dr. elmendorf told us that in ten years, one year's interest payment on the debt of the united states of america would be $880 billion. that's over $650 billion more in one year on interest than we are paying today. so we have got to at least adhere to our promises to contain spending. we cannot continue to vote time and time again to violate the spending limits we agreed to. no wonder the american people are unhappy with us. this is irresponsible. we can find the $9 billion or whatever we need to fund the -- any program in this bloated government of ours. but no, it won't even be discussed. there is no discussion about finding honest reductions in spending where money is wasted to pay for a current need. we just come up with a plan that gimmicks the spending and adds to the long-term debt of the united states. so in conclusion, i would say that there is -- it is quite clear that this legislation, the unemployment extension, will add to the long-term debt of the united states. the presidi