word, with just wonderful observations, and one of them -- he was a teacher, and he also taught at elmiraormatory. he taught english to juvenile delinquents. and i could never read that piece until i got much older and had this certain experience, and then i was able to read it, and that was me. in other words, there is so much in the cellular memory or the dna, because i never knew him, but at 16 i had discovered chekov and ibsen and shakespeare. and when i read my father's work, it was how to teach juvenile delinquents through chekov and ibsen and shakespeare. >> have you been able to find out anything about his character and his life? >> not really. although very mystical things happen. i was doing a concert a few years ago, and i was with my two girlfriends one night at my house, and they were talking about their fathers, and i couldn't relate to them because they had the experience of having a father. i came up to my office after they left, and there was a letter from my father that had been sent to me from my cousin, who has the same streisand name, in brooklyn at some synagogue and