sarah elmore, team mom for the junior northport huskies, is sitting in the stands eagerly anticipatinggame. >> we have 25 players on our team so they were all kind of sitting around me listening to music, getting pumped for our particular game. >> on the field below, the senior northport huskies are beating the sarasota gators and the gators aren't happy. >> oh, chase. >> the game was becoming more and more confrontational. using vulgarities and numerous curse words are being used and they disagree with a call. so, instead of talking to the referee and sorting it out, they just start screaming at him and moving towards him in a hostile manner. >> although they aren't even at halftime, the referee ends the game. that means a win for the huskies. their fans erupt into cheers, but video captured by someone in the stands reveals gator coaches exploding with anger. >> in that video, you can see a coach being contemptuous towards a referee, the referee's hat, kicking the yellow flag that the referee had thrown when he called this game and you can his coach following him. some type of verbal