elohim is at this int becoming a proper noun.and so would say it's not only kind of god with a capital gif this theory isight, but kind of there's a notion lled the godhead. it comes out of hindsm, among other places, where the ea is that all the gods e nifestations of a single underlying divine ity. and it may be that that noti of the godhead is beg hinted in this particular language of god, thisarticular language for talking abougod that's emphasiz after the exile. >> moyers: how do u relate that to the fact that asou s again and again in her and as alof us know, the three great faiths all embraced the slaughter of infels? >> right. they do. in the koran, u can find on one pageuhammad or god speaking through muhammad is adving muslims to greet unbelievers saying, "you've got your religion. we've t ours." on anotherage it says, "kill the infidels wherever u find them." similarl in the bible it says at one moment,od is advising the israelites to pe out completely nearbpeoples, who worship a reign god. on another page, you've t th