this character, mark elrich, really takes the cake. why does someone like him continue to get elected given what's happened to that community? >> well, he was sort of an accidental county executive in that he won his primary by a handful of votes in a multi-candidate field. this is a really good example of people not necessarily paying as much attention to local races as they should. county like montgomery county is over 1 million people, bigger than six or seven states, an enormous jurisdiction. a race like that ought to be viewed like a governor's race, a very high-stakes race. it is typically not, especially in a place like this where people are concerned about national politics. we have a broader focus than what's happening locally. this guy kind of squeaked in. he became one of the worst covid yan petty tyrant ns the entire country. he has his deputy saying they still want to do the vaccine passport, restaurant mandate thing. we'll shelf it for now but next variant, we are going to bring it right back out, ready to go on that. he