elsa dickson, milly lom, jennifer sullivan followed by ellen barryingham. >> i'm elsa dickson. i live there for more than 20 years. knot hill is a famous historic district that attracts tourists from all over the world to its beauty. i see people outside my building looking opposite the beautiful flowers that we have. and we work very hard on our building ry to keep it to its original forum. we've gone to old photographs to try to replicate how it looked when it was built after the 1906 earthquake. i do believe that putting -- doing the work that the neighbors are requesting would compromise or even ruin the skyline of knot hill. it's -- it's such a beautiful, historic neighborhood and it would break my heart to see that and also on a personal level, i have to say that i'm a writer. i'm not a hobbyist. i've had several new york time best-sellers. having construction very disrup to my work. i know it's a secondary issue but i do want to mention it. i do believe that adding to this building -- and i've gone on many times and looked at it. the beautiful progression of the roof top