our friend elsie granderson is back with us. st a writer and thinker. he's a dad. we love to get the parent angle from him. what do you see that's working in the classroom? what would you like to see more of in. >> i tell you one thing i'm glad it's working. despite the horrible things we hear about education, the terrible things about teachers' pay and the attacks on unions, we still have people who go to college who want to be teachers. we still have people in the classroom who want to be with young people. i think that's so important because all the research tells us that there are two main factors that determines a child's education in terms of academic achievement. number one is financial. the type of school they go to and the type of resources it has and number two, of course, teachers. you got have good teachers. having good teachers present in the classroom, people who want to be there it's a very, very good thing. something else i have think is fantastic, we're seeing more and more ultimate ways in which teaching is happening. you know, your earlier guests