elusisive as ever he is banksy well that's all the news we have and i thank you very y much for watching stay tuned it to france twenty four. good evening and welcome to the interview arms across. for this edition is dedicated to asian unity powerful book. entitledd but you still have the words of dialogue between the two men. die metrically opposed. sending lost his daughter. in the vatican's attacks what else defenders as the- lost his son was one of the assailants who visited us yet. thomas thank you to both of you mr. i will prefer to consume space which we respect so i'll turn firsrst to mr. ross said he- - two years ago still. anand made contact with you. to crypto okay s. h. i. with he said that a time he him. felt he was a victim and you may have found this puzzling. now this voice is cocoming why did you accept the dialog box to moan who's since the very day street which will follow the thirty two number twenty fifteen myy cononcern. hs beat the *-*- out how can we prevenent future tragedies like this and what contribution i could make to this prevention. ministry action. all th